Dealing with paleness

Hello good people and whoever you are! Today I will talk about my way of dealing with pale skin. My face is pale, at least people say that it is, but I don’t see it. I’ve done blood tests, nothing “bad” was found. I’m healthy, thank God, but it still bothers me why is my… Continue reading Dealing with paleness

Struggling with being fully devoted to something

Hello good people and whoever you are! I’m that type of person that out of nowhere gets an idea to create something, let’s say instagram account and after few days gets bored of it. Devoting myself to something is my biggest struggle. To some people it’s easy to just stick to something for years, without… Continue reading Struggling with being fully devoted to something

Style doesn’t completely describe a person

Hello wonderful people or whoever you are! Today I want to talk (write) about how style doesn’t completely describe who someone is. Why? Because it bothers me when I hear people saying something like “Oh, your hair is short and you are a girl, you like girls”. Let’s begin. Many times I’ve heard stuff like… Continue reading Style doesn’t completely describe a person